Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tarpit - Demo

Before I got into hardcore I was listening to Anarcho-punk and going to metalcore shows at redneck bars and churches.  Little did I know there were really amazing bands playing in Norfolk and Virginia Beach all of the time such as Victim, Iron Boots, Bloody Sunday, Cutback, Resonance and Nothing Personal.  Anyway, one of the first Virginia Beach hardcore bands to blow me away was Tarpit.  I started going to as many of their shows as my parents would let me around the time when they released their Wake Up E.P.  Before that they released a Demo and a split 7" with Victim (which is one of the first 7"s I bought).  Their Demo made such an incredible impact on me and is one of the main reasons I really got into hardcore.  So, here it is.  

Tarpit - Demo

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